Hyväksytyt abstraktit
Katso tarkempi ohjelma (esitykset kellonajoittain) täältä: https://easychair.org/smart-program/Au-24/
Juha Hirvonen:
Opetuksen ja hanketyön linkittäminen teollisen internetin laboratorion avulla
Timo Malm, Risto Tiusanen, Eetu Heikkilä, Toni Ahonen and Janne Sarsama:
Safety risk sources of autonomous mobile machines
Konsta Huhtala and Lassi Paunonen:
Output Regulation of Thermal Fluid Flows
Antti Remes, Caroline Izart and Jari Moilanen:
Metallurgical Digital Twin Model for Minerals Processing Plant Optimizers
Tapio Heikkilä, Jyrki Raitila, Jari M Ahola, Teemu Sipola and Jussi Tenhunen:
Quality measurements of trees with a SPAD LIDAR sensor for precision forestry
Esko Juuso:
Intelligent temporal analysis of coronavirus statistical data
Arttu Meriläinen and Olli Viljakainen:
Benefits of simulation assisted automation testing with Apros in Loviisa NPP emergency diesel automation renewal
Eetu Heikkilä, Tero Välisalo, Janne Sarsama and Risto Tiusanen:
Reliability prediction of a wave energy converter’s hydraulic power take-off system
Tero Hietanen, Manne Tervaskanto, Joni Jämsä, Outi Rask and Niko Ristimäki:
Automaatiokoulutuksen sertifiointi
Mats Friman:
An Outsider's View on Ill-Conditioned Systems
Anna Hakala:
Data-driven approach to stabilizing an effluent treatment plant (ETP)
Tapio Heikkilä and Daniel Pakkala:
Manufacturing Operations as Services based on Robots with Skills
Kari Rainio and Nikolaos Papakonstantinou:
Towards digital twin data portals for existing plant sites based on P&IDs
Sonja Mäkinen:
Mallinnuksella optimi säätötapa?
Timo Malm, Risto Tiusanen, Eetu Heikkilä, Toni Ahonen and Janne Sarsama:
New safety concepts for autonomous mobile machines
Terho Jussila:
On using Symbolic Toolbox of Matlab in Basic Control Engineering Education
Aarne Klemetti and Erkki Räsänen:
Foundations and Case Studies on the Scalable Intelligence in AIoT Domains
Teijo Juntunen and Risto Ritala:
Comparing Performance of Algorithmic and Driver-Planned Routing of Forest Forwarder
Antti Liljaniemi, Heikki Paavilainen and Timo Tuominen:
Digi-Flash Pedagogy Confronts New Emerging Technologies - Maturity Level Evaluation
Risto Tiusanen, Eetu Heikkilä and Timo Malm:
New approach to system safety engineering for autonomous machinery
Santeri Myllynen, Ilpo Suominen, Tapani Raunio, Rasmus Karell and Jussi Lahtinen:
Machine Learning-based Classifier in the Analysis of Nuclear Power-specific Requirements
Timo Viitaniemi and Henri Pettinen:
Utilization of ROS2 with Edge Computing
Kai Zenger:
Digitalization and automation in teaching
Markku Ohenoja and Mika Ruusunen:
Learning-based approach for adaptive MPC tuning
Pasi Airikka:
PI controller for solving simple equations
Yrjö Majanne, Tomas Björkqvist and Matti Vilkko:
Electrification as a Solution to Carbon Neutral Society
Xiaoguo Storm, Hoang Khac Nguyen, Amin Modabberian, Kai Zenger and Jari Hyvönen:
Model-based on-board post injection control development for marine diesel engine
Ari Kuisma:
Etäopiskelun ja -opetuksen mahdollistavan automaatiojärjestelmän käyttöönotto
Duong Truong, Katariina Penttilä and Ari Lindgren:
IoT-based Cloud-assisted SCADA for Real Time Process Management Over Internet: Application in A Hybrid Energy Module
Katariina Penttilä, Ari Lindgren and Susan Heikkilä:
A Novel Hybrid Energy Production Module for securing Energy Availability in Rural Areas
Pasi Airikka:
PI control for load disturbance rejection
Adrian Kotelba, Jani Suomalainen and Nikolaos Papakonstantinou:
Recent trends, challenges and innovations in cybersecurity for Industry 4.0 and 5.0
Jenni Rekola, Miikka Jaurola and Mikko Valtee:
Simulation tool to analyze the productivity and energy consumption of electric mining vehicles
Lassi Paunonen:
Rejection of Unknown Harmonic Disturbances in a Boundary Controlled Heat Equation
Hoang Nguyen Khac, Amin Modabberian, Xiaoguo Storm, Kai Zenger and Jari Hyvönen:
Model predictive control in multiple injection strategy for maritime diesel engines
Gerardo Santillan Martinez, Jari Lappalainen, Tommi Karhela and Antti Jaanvirta:
Cloud-based LCA dashboard for improved sustainability in the process industry
Lauri Ristolainen and Antti Liljaniemi:
UxV -teknologian hyödyntäminen teollisuudessa
Aku Viitanen, Jouni Aro and Mikko Kontu:
OPC UA and Information Modeling for Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
Outi Rask and Anja Salo:
Consequences of Covid-19 on the studies of automation students
Helena Leppäkoski, Bishwo Adhikari, Leevi Raivio and Risto Ritala:
Prediction of future paths of mobile objects using path library
David Hästbacka, Jari Halme, Heikki Mesiä, Mikael Björkbom, Rupesh More, Antti Jaatinen, Henrikki Hoikka, Laurentiu Barna, Jyrki Keskinen, Marko Elo and Henri Pettinen:
Developing data-driven operational and analytical services for interoperable industrial ecosystems
Outi Rask, Jari Seppälä and Mikko Salmenperä:
Projektioppiminen automaatiosuunnittelussa
Aleksi Nuora:
Mobiilirobotin konenäköavusteinen ohjaus IoRT-järjestelmässä
Jarmo Alander and Antti Konsta Mäenpänen:
FPGA-SoC Programming for an Energy Efficient Spectral Imager
Esko Juuso:
An advanced teaching scheme for remote problem-based learning