Automaatiopäivät23 Proceedings
© 2019 Suomen Automaatioseura ry – Finnish Society of Automation
ISBN 978–952-5183-54-2
Organizing Committee Chair and Editor: Esko Juuso, Finland
Automaatiopäivät 23 Proceedings
or as separate papers as follows:
Title | Author | Keywords | |
Mean Value Modeling of Maritime Diesel Engines | Amin Modabberian*, Hoang Khac Nguyen, and Kai Zenger | diesel engines, modeling, mean value modeling | |
Automaation tulevaisuus – Tekoälyn ja ihmisen vuorovaikutuksia | Mika Karaila | AI, assistant, avatar | |
Verkottunut yhteistyö automaatiokoulutuksessa | Tero Hietanen, Timo Heikkinen, Manne Tervaskanto ja Satu Vähänikkilä | IoT, koulutus, digitalisaatio | |
Industrial IoT applications | Jukka Koskinen*, Petri Tikka ja Hannu Tanner | edge and fog computing, robotics, intralogistics, smart water management, FIWARE | |
Jatkuva-aikaiset impedanssimittaukset osana älykkäitä akkujärjestelmiä | Jussi Sihvo*, Joona Leinonen, Tomi Roinila ja Tuomas Messo | Litium-ioni akku, Akun impedanssi, jatkuva-aikaiset mittaukset, älykkäät akkujärjestelmät, kuntotila, varaustila | |
State feedback control of a rotary inverted pendulum | Tomi Räsänen* and Veli-Pekka Pyrhönen | LQR-control, pole-placement, inverted pendulum, balance control, reference tracking | |
Data Strategy in Service Development: Case Study for a Facility Management Service Company Utilizing IoT | Jukka Pulkkinen* and Igor Trotskii | digital servitization, service design, facility management services, data management, lean development | |
Optimal control maps for fuel efficiency and emissions reduction in maritime diesel engines | Kai Zenger* and Nguyen Khac Hoang | diesel engine, NOx emissions, fuel efficiency, control map, optimisation, optimal design | |
Fault-Tolerant Valve Control | Mats Friman* | industry, valve, valve controller, faulttolerant control | |
Utilizing multifunctional display computer as a local gateway in industrial IoT use cases | Henri Pettinen, Marko Elo | Industry 4.0, Internet of Things, IoT, Productive4.0, Multifunctional display, Arrowhead framework, Graphical user interface, Gateway, SaaS, SOA, CPS | |
Improving tracking performance of composite nonlinear feedback controllers via new reset and hold feature of nonlinear functions | Veli-Pekka Pyrhonen* and Matti Vilkko | Control Applications, Constrained Control, Linear Systems, Nonlinear Servo Systems | |
Robotiikan mahdollisuudet rakentamisessa | Jukka Koskinen*, Timo Salmi, Pekka Kilpeläinen ja Pertti Lahdenperä | robotiikka, automatisointi, rakentaminen | |
Forecasting and optimization of the heat demand at city level | Petri Hietaharju* and Mika Ruusunen | district heating, modelling, prediction, demand side management, optimization | |
Photoplethysmography signal analysis to assess sauna exposure, arterial elasticity, and recovery | Matti J Huotari*, Kari Määttä, Teemu Myllylä, and Juha Röning | arterial elasticity, photoplethysmography, pulse wave analysis, sauna exposure | |
Unsupervised machine learning model for heat flow monitoring in a geothermal energy storage in a nearzero-energy-building | Igor Trotskii and Jukka Pulkkinen | Condition Based Maintenance, Principal Component Analysis, near-zero-energy building | |
Mass flow-based controls with solids measurements reduce sludge handling costs | Heli Karaila*, Lasse Järvinen, Ari Oksanen | wastewater, centrifuge, dewatering, optimization, MPC | |
Are collaborative robots safe? | Timo Malm*, Timo Salmi, Ilari Marstio and Iina Aaltonen | functional safety, collaborative robots, safety requirements, levels of collaboration | |
Addressing Resource Allocation Issues in Cloud Computing Environment with Ant Colony Optimization | Mingzhang Wu, Janne Koljonen and Timo Mantere* | ant colony optimization, cloud computing, CloudSim, cost-performance, resource allocation, trade-off problem | |
Learning compliant assembly skills from human demonstration | Markku Suomalainen and Ville Kyrki | ||
Automaatiopäivät23, Proceedings |