
Tulevat tapahtumat

21.11.2024 OPC Day Finland 2024
@ Microsoft Finland, Keilalahdentie 2-4 (Eteläinen sisäänkäynti CD), 02150 Espoo 

Menneet tapahtumat

30.11.2023 OPC Day Finland 2023 - Video recordings of presentations available!
Main theme: Interoperability for Wider Range of Applications, @ Nokia Arena, Paidia, Tampere

29.11.2022 OPC Day Finland 2022 - Video recordings of presentations available!
– OPC UA extends to field and cloud

16.11.2021 OPC Day Finland 2021 Virtual Event, 16.11.2021, 09.50 - 16.30 (EET)
Success Stories with OPC UA

4.11.2020 13:00 OPC Day Finland 2020 Virtual Event 4.11.2020, 1.00 - 4.30 PM (EET)
OPC UA in Finland – Experiences and Use Cases from Finland

6.11.2019 OPC Day Finland 2019
Industry 4.0 Communication

13.11.2018 OPC Day Finland 2018
OPC UA Getting Real and Real-Time

11.10.2017 OPC Day Finland 2017
Enabling Smart Manufacturing with Standard Communications

18.10.2016 OPC Day Finland 2016
Towards IoT platform economy with OPC UA